AT&T brings back unlimited data plans for DirectTV and U-Verse Subscribers

By: KS Drama → Thursday, January 14, 2016
While the unlimited data plans from many carriers have been phased out over the past few years and replaced with “data buckets” for individuals and families to be consumed within a given month. But AT&T is now going to launch a brand new version of its unlimited data plan tomorrow.

AT&T is now bringing back its unlimited data plan which the number two wireless carrier in the US had phased out years ago, but there are some big catches. The wireless carrier is re-launching its unlimited data plan as a cross-promotion with its DirectTV and U-Verse TV services. If you are going to subscribe any of these two Television services, both offered by AT&T, then you can subscribe for an unlimited data plan every month from the wireless carrier.
If you are already a subscriber of either DirectTV or U-Verse, and already using AT&T as its carrier, you can signup for an unlimited data plan which starts at $100, and after that it’s $40 per line. If you add four smartphones on a single plan, you’ll earn enough credit that makes fourth line free. It means you’ll be charged $180 per month in total for unlimited data plan, talk time, and text on all four lines. However, you’ll be paying the full $220 for the first two months before the free credit for fourth line kicks in.
at&t unlimited
This unlimited plan is also limited to smartphones. If you want to use it on your iPad, you’ll need to pay additional $40 to add the tablet to the plan. So this plan can quickly get pricey.
These new unlimited data plans will be starting tomorrow. Does this new unlimited data plan strike fancy? Share your thoughts in the comments section below.

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